Mobile Crisis Session Scheduled

Mobile Crisis: An Alternative to Hospitalization

Integrated Family Services, PLLC will be presenting this informative session to help various departments looking for a resource to use when dealing with citizens who have mental health and substance abuse issues.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 (10 a.m. until noon)

Vidant Learning Center (the old Movie Time building)

418 Peacock Street • Ahoskie, NC

RSVP should be sent to by May 20, 2015

Target audience includes law enforcement, magistrates, hospital staff, EMS, and other community stakeholders

So often professionals have to deal with situations involving citizens who are in a mental health and substance abuse crisis (crisis can include intoxication, withdrawals, psychotic symptoms, suicidal thoughts, depression, etc). In addition, family members or others request for a petition to be filed as a result of revenge or lack of knowledge about resources in the community. Consequently, law enforcement becomes involved and spend hours at the hospital with citizens who are ultimately discharged because they do not meet the commitment criteria. Mobile crisis is an alternative to these occurrences because qualified staff are able to do a biopsychosocial assessment to determine if a true hospital evaluation is needed and link them to community services that can reduce their symptoms.Judge Brenda Branch, Chief District Court Judge, is requesting your presence at this meeting.

See the article, Mobile Crisis Reducing Time Cops Spend In ER, that was printed in the Daily Advance paper on April 6,2015 that tells about the benefits of this resource.

Posted in Community, Events, Mental Health, Services